Twin Star Astrology LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 1831589-98
Location: Portland, OR, United States
Length of Operation: 0
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
Funding will be used for inventory, rent, utilities, furnishings, advertising and office supplies.
Business Plan
I have had an astrology consultation business for the past three years. Adding a storefront and bookstore will give me added visibility in order to grow my consultation business while supplementing with book and gift sales. My plan is to partner with the Portland School of Astrology and the Astrology Podcast ( which has thousands of listeners) in order to attract students of astrology as well as build online sales. Eventually I’d like to host readings and signings by authors and become a community fixture and resource for all things astrology. There are no astrology bookstores in Portland. Astrology is a rapidly growing industry, popular with every age group, particularly millennials and gen z. A niche bookstore like this is necessary for those looking to get into astrology or expand their knowledge, but don’t know where to start. Buying books from Amazon can be overwhelming for new astrologers who need guidance on their educational path. My goal is to provide that guidance and to have in stock the tools they need for their educational journey. During my consultation experience, I’ve noticed that clients always want to know where they can learn more after having their astrology consultations. They often want book recommendations. It will be useful to my clients and me to have in stock the materials they require for further exploration.
Self Identified Competition
Amazon, New Renaissance Bookstore, and Psychic Sister are my top three competitors. Amazon has almost every book for sale. For students and dabblers in astrology, this can be overwhelming as there are countless branches of astrology. I can assess the level of knowledge and interests of my customers and guide them in the right direction. Many customers are becoming more and more interested in supporting small businesses that can provide a personalized and curated experience. New Renaissance Bookstore is a metaphysical bookstore with subjects ranging from Buddhism to psychic phenomena. My bookstore will be much more focused in it’s subject matter. My customers will receive recommendations that are tailored to their interests and knowledge levels. They will have daily access to a professional astrologer should they have questions or need advice on their purchases. Twin Star Astrology will have a fresh and comfortable aesthetic for those wishing to linger and browse in style. Psychic Sister is a vintage clothing store with a consultation room, tarot decks, and some metaphysical literature. I do not consider this business to be a direct competitor, but instead part of my community. They do not currently have any astrologers on staff and I believe we could work together, being in the same neighborhood and attracting similar customers. I see our stores as foundational for the post-covid resurgence of Portland’s Alberta Arts district. Both of our businesses recognize that our neighborhood is a traditionally Black neighborhood that has been gentrified. Psychic Sister donates 10% of their profits to Black and Indigenous organizations. My plan is to do something similar by donating regularly to Unite Oregon in order to give back to underserved communities.
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