Swear Fence & Lawn | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: Swear Fence & Lawn
Location: Select a City, FL, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: $250k to $500k
Annual Gross Expense: $250k to $500k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
To grow and expand our company by hiring and training more employees. To provide tool and equipment to better meet our needs. To give us purchasing power for lumber / materials need for jobs. To continue to build a positive working environment.
Business Plan
Our company has more than doubled in workforce and workload in the last year. Swear fence and lawn is dedicated to employing persons in recovery and giving them a second chance. We are hoping to be doubling our workforce from 7 to 14+ in 2023 alone. We now employee five recovering addicts three of them convicted felons. We have picked up several new developers in recent months which will expanded our service area in northwest Florida. We are dedicated to our company our employees and our community. We pride ourselves on integrity and honesty in providing the best product possible. We want to also provide a means for our employees to learn a trade and be given a second chance for a passive outcome. Thus, improving our community in the process. This grant would allow our business to grow and expand in every aspect. It will allow us better access to funds needed to support the demands of a growing company.
Self Identified Competition
Shalimar Fence, A-1 Hurricane Fence, Tornado Fence. Swear Fence and Lawn provides superior workmanship in everything we build, every day without exception. We have a team of dedicated workers who take pride in their craftsmanship and being given the opportunity for a better future earning a competitive wage. Our employees want to work. Swear Fence is a 100 % drug free, alcohol-free work force. Our employees have all graduated from or are in sober living facility. We love what we do we want to grow and continue our mission. This grant would allow us to do that.
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