McGrenter Farms | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 202252814848
Location: Weaverville, CA, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
We would use the funds to create a permanent concrete flooring inside our rabbit and chicken area with proper water irrigation to limit the amount of water and rabbit droppings building on the ground allow us to keep the areas more clean. We would also build a permanent roof over their cages and coop to limit the rain and snow during our winter and fall months from damaging any of our cages or animals.
Business Plan
We plan to increase our rabbit and chicken supply this year which ultimately will increase our product availability as well as building our website currently to help with shipping to customers out of our local area. Because we are a local small business who is trying to promote healthier treats for your dog and reptile pets while also being able to ship more abundantly to different regions and locations. We also are selling local meat and eggs which are at an all time high for store sales so not only will we be helping the locals with the ability to afford local raised meat at an affordable price. Doing all of this also allows us to raise and teach our children the same fundamentals that our grand parents instilled in us.
Self Identified Competition
In our rural area we are the only business selling rabbit dog treats and bugs. The only competition we would have would be from people selling online through affiliated sights like Etsy or Shopify. Because of our dedication to giving out incredible products for our dogs, reptiles and ourselves while keeping on a more healthy aspect then just the next store stop. Our rabbit is higher in protein then chicken and even more lean in fat.
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