Unique'z Customz LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 44607245
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
I plan on using the funding to expand my business. I need a new website, better product packaging , and a variety of new products.
Business Plan
I plan to grow my business by marketing on social media, attending Craft Fairs, speaking at any event that will have me, and showing great customer service. Word of mouth is the best way to grow your business. Investors should invest in my business because I am passionate about growing my business but I am also passionate about customer service. I strive to make things people have never seen before and customize my product for the person buying it. I want to make products that are personalized and inexpensive. I want to make things that people can always have and cherish because they were made especially for them. I stand by my products and I stand by my customer service.
Self Identified Competition
The only competitor I have is myself. I don't feel as if I am in competition with anyone else because there is only one me and no one is going to make products; they way I am. I don't feel the pressure of competition, I feel the pressure of out doing myself with the next product I customize. I am different from everyone else because I am not competing. I think when your focused on whose doing it better, you loose site of the creativity and passion for designing as a whole. Your more focused on out doing the competition. I'm focused on making the best possible products for my customers.
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