Exterra Properties LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 554797217
Location: Franktown, VA, United States
Length of Operation: 6-10
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: $100k to $250k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Funds will be used to renovate and restore a historic, Rosenwald school at 32168 Boston Rd. Painter Virginia and renovate this 3400 square-foot building turning it into four live work spaces for a low in me tenants. This structure needs a new roof, structural, repair to floor, joists, insulation, new, plumbing, new, electrical, new plumbing.
Business Plan
We have a 20 year track record of revitalizing, old, or historical structures for re-purpose and reuse. We've taken old barns, farms, 100+ year old brick structures and turn them into multi use, facilities, housing businesses, residences, short term rentals, low income, housing solutions, and venues for start up businesses. The collected rents, enable us to provide attractive solutions for individuals seeking low-income safe and affordable housing, as well as bUSINESS Suites, for small minority-owned start up businesses. We are simultaneously reusing, repurposing, and restoring existing structures, often historical and saving them from demolition while providing innovative solutions in for much needed housing for single parents, micro businesses of 1 to 3 employees, giving both groups and much-needed step up to improve their financial status in ability to contribute to the local economy.
Self Identified Competition
We are unique in Northampton and ACCOMAC counties in that there are no known competing entities providing similar opportunities We take existing salvageable structures and re-purposed them for the good of the community. We improve lives, create, housing, and work-live solutions, economically. Our directors, unique experience in renovation, remodel and repair enables us to do. These projects are in utilizing local small contractors, supplies from Habitat from Humanity ReStores thus supporting the creation of more low-income housing, , and patronizing self-starting local tradesmen.
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