Yoga Therapy Bar LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 831618614
Location: Clemson, SC, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
Grant usage to assist with approximately 5 to 6 months of operations to scale business and recover after opening 3 weeks prior to pandemic start: rent $4500 per month digital/social media marketing $350 per month website SEO optimization $650 per month
Business Plan
- hire administrative assistant and yoga teacher in 2024 -hire staff physical therapist in 2025 - expand corporate wellness services to manufacturing companies for contracting (my business is certified as WBE, MBE, WOSB, and SAM). - provide yoga and Pilates classes online -increase public speaking (key notes) events from 2 in 2023 to 4 in 2024 -open second location in neighboring county in 2026 - I opened my business in February 2020 (3 weeks before covid began). - I used most of my business savings to keep my business open during the pandemic. - I have managed to survive the pandemic due to assistance from SCORE, SBA, SBDC, and other organizations that have provided me mentorship, consultation, and overall support. - Even though I did not get a good start I feel that I can truly make my business sustainable, profitable, and able to service and improve the physical and mental health of my community if I have adequate funding.
Self Identified Competition
Solshine Yoga - traditional yoga studio located in same town. ATI - physical therapy clinic located in same town. Off the Block PT- cash based physical therapy clinic located in neighboring town. I provide holistic health and wellness services that targets physical and mental health and wellness comprehensively. My competitors focus on physical health solely. I also provide multiple specialties unlike my other competitors such as: hand therapy, women's health, pediatrics, special needs, geriatrics, exertion and therapy. Therefore, I am able to service kids, adults, seniors, athletes, and those with disabilities.
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