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September 9, 2024, 3:59 pm UTC

Purrbaby Candles LLC 201558-93 | Government Grant Application

Purrbaby Candles LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 201558-93

    Location: Portland, OR, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I would use my funding to get a van for selling at farmers markets. I need more containers for the candles. Soy and beeswax and maybe coconut wax. I need more wicks, wick holders, shelving and storage containers. Ineed to pay for fees and insurance to sell at markets.

  • Business Plan

    Instagram has been a help getting people to Fressen Bakery when I am selling there. Getting my name out at different markets will help grow my business. I also am working on my website. I notice people look but don't buy there. My goal is to make the website more enticing so people buy. I have a friend who sells soaps at Saturday Market, Milwakie Farmers Market and Montiville Farmers Market. She has said there are no candlemakers selling at these markets. I am excited to share my product. People have overheard me talk about the ingredients in my candles and decided to buy. I feel like I have something good and I need to get my name out there. Another friend sells beads online and is willing to help me do the same. I feel like I have diffent avenues to sell. I would love to hire a couple employees within the five year mark to have multiple markets with my product. Perhaps I personally would be a fill-in at the markets and will being focused on online sales. Thinking big, I would hire someone for online sales/web design so I can concentrate on new projects. I donate to Animal Aid, Cat Adoption Team and Pixie project from procedes from selling candles. My goal is to set up some sort of fundraiser or donate candles for gift or Christmas baskets with these businesses. I feel like this is beneficial for my company expansion while helping animals in need. A goal in about five years is to hold a charity dinner/fundraiser with a silent auction with all proceeds going toward such shelter. It would combine forces so shelter animals get what they need. Featuring a selling spot or getting my candles into local stores is another way I would like to grow my business within the five year mark. Having multiple access to my candles is the ultimate goal. Making pet friendly candles is important to me. There are many scents and waxes that actually harm pets. Bringing awareness to pet owners is what inpires me to make these specific candles. I also make a few candles for those who don't have pets. Some people really like certain scents. I am trying not to limit my business to only pet owners even though that is my focus. Quality is important to me. Purrbaby Candles uses only essential oils. I hear a lot of people mention their sensitivities to frangrance oils. I got the idea to do candles without any oils. What I heard the most was along the lines of one family member being super sensitive to scents. There was a love of candles but the family could not have any around. I started making non scented candles. People feel good buying these for the household or as a gift. If the power goes out then people can burn my candles without someone having an allergive reaction. Using beeswax has been a focus because it is the only wax to purify the air. Beeswax produces negative ions that attach to positive ions in the air. Such positive ions include dust, dust mites and pollen. The beeswax also helps for a longer burn time. I want my customers to feel good about purchasing quality and making quality stretch. Recently, I have started to make melts to expand on my business idea. Using local ingredients helps boost local businesses. My customers can feel good about their purchase knowing I do everything I can to promote additional income for our Portland businesses. Finally, donating to local shelters is extremely important to me. For starters, Purrbaby Candles has donated to Animal Aid, Cat Adoption Team and Pixie Project. The goal is to include as many shelters as possible. Without my own purrbaby, I would have never been inspired to start checking the labels of candles I was buying. I started to wonder how many pet owners loved candles but had no idea what they were actually burning into the air. Some sneaky candlemakers don't disclose what type of wax they use in their candles. With my candles the consumer can feel good about buying a quality candle from a local gal donating to local shelters trying to make a difference. #furtheloveofpurr

  • Self Identified Competition

    Bath and Body Works, Wildwood Candle Co and Penrose Candles There is no one else selling pet friendly focused candles who donates to local animal shelters. I am a salesperson who believes in my product. As mentioned I have had people say they were not interested in buying my candles until they overheard me talking about them. I am a regional title winner in Irish dance who has also danced on the world stage. I was the first dancer in my teacher's school to acheive this. I was the underdog and there were better dancers in her school who should have achieved these titles before me. There were times I did not think I could do it. Instead, I worked really hard, gave up everything else and focused. I know about displine and drive. Believing in my product and myself is what makes me different. Like in Irish dance, competition does not scare me. Competition is what makes me a better candlemaker. I know I can do this.

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