Medusa Ink LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 1981541
Location: Canton, OH, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
Funding would be used to build out a new space. Putting up drywall, building new rooms, divider wall, adding a lofted area, light fixtures, furniture, storage, bathroom, paint, plumbing.
Business Plan
I will be hiring a team of 6 girls, locating to a larger space to give the room to grow, and continue teaching education in my speciality to be able to continue growing my brand. I plan to start an online shop of my own supply line as well once all is settled with an expansion. I have always accomplished everything I have put my mind to. I started my business with 0 clients and an empty room, and within 2 months was fully booked out and able to quit my full time job. I am the 2nd most followed artist in my state and I am never satisfied with anything I accomplish, there is always more room for growth and I am focused on building a brand that people will remember.
Self Identified Competition
I don’t look at any other artists as competitors. There is an artist out there for everyone I am women owned and operated tattoo shop. I strictly have a women clientele, and have built a safe space for all to join. My space truly feels like home when you walk in and a place you can come to hang out. You leave my space feeling like you’re leaving your family’s home. I create a true connection with every one of my clients before they even enter my space by building a relationship prior to appointments when working on their artwork so they feel much more comfortable before coming in.
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