Shinjiru LLC dba ActionCOACH | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 842507982
Location: Austin, TX, United States
Length of Operation: 1
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
For working capital to invest in marketing, a new specific marketing program that will generate significant revenue, and increasing my team.
Business Plan
MY expected grow is to have a business making $4,000,000 per year within five years. I have my marketing plan, employee expansion and how we expand in the greater Austin market. With the growth of SMBs in Austin, these numbers are easily accomplished with the marketing and business plan we have. I have a 30 year career that has generated over $6 billion in revenue for companies across the global. I have built and run many teams and organizations. I know how to build business. Also, I have name recognition form my franchise, ActionCOACH, the #1 global franchise for business coaching. The marketing support, name recognition and program support, coupled with my business experience provide the foundation to build and grow a significant business.
Self Identified Competition
Vistage: They focus on leadership coaching and round tables. They do not focus on the individual business EOS Systems: The focus only on the system for the business, but not teaching a business owner how to be a successful business owner Local Business Coach: This is the person who after a 20+ year career says they are a business coach. They do not have a formalized program or content needed. ActionCOACH has a proven track record of over 30 years, with a proven system that helps business owners be business owners, teaches them how to structure their business and trains the employees. ActionCOACH has the learning library needed for improving skills and guiding success.
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