OHR INCORPORATED | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 201708231211370
Location: Marion, IN, United States
Length of Operation: 4
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
We are a non- profit start up. We seek to provide older teens in the foster system a safe place to grow and become equipped with essential life skills for assurance of a productive and successful future. We need to purchase land, and build a site.
Business Plan
Our business will be essentially state funded once we are up and operating. We will work with all county foster and court programs to insure that our program has the needed number of youth to support the program. The state would pay our business so much youth since they would be a ward of the state. Placements, and or foster care for older teens is one of Indiana's greatest challenges at the moment. Finding placement for older teens has been proven difficult for placing foster agencies. We would provide a safe, educational program for older teens in the foster or youth systems.
Self Identified Competition
The state of Indiana has only a few select youth Independent Living Programs like the one we would offer. Our goal is to partner with the three local colleges, the state of Indiana, and Indiana counties to help meet the direct need of placement for older teen in the state system. A lot of Indiana Independent Living programs start off with quite restrictive measures. Our program will run detailed evaluations per client that would allow our program to only take in low risk behavioral teens, allowing them the freedoms to get a job, complete the high school education, and create a success plan for after aging out of the state assisted program.
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