Big D Store, LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 722410
Location: Union, SC, United States
Length of Operation: 15
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
I have been in business for over 10 years and I want to expand and upgrade my building.
Business Plan
I plan on getting out and attending more networking events to get to know my customers better.I plan to host events to give out free meals to give back to the community and to offer the best customer service. I have well established my clientele and customers. I have been in business for over 10 years . This is my first time of hearing about grants ,my building and the property where it’s located needs a upgrade and other work done. I would like to upgrade and expand my business and building ,with the funds I would be able to do so and I feel my business would grow more.
Self Identified Competition
My business is located in a small town ,I’m the only business located there. I have been in business for over 10 years and I have never applied for or received a grant. This is my first time hearing about the grant program, If I receive a grant I can upgrade and expand my business, this would be great for the town . There isn’t any other business located in the town where my business is.
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