Honeyb33s LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 86-1377429
Location: Huntsville, AL, United States
Length of Operation: First year
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Brick and mortar establishment and setup. Cost of building out new kitchen plus unique Honeyb33s design for franchising.
Business Plan
The existing online restaurant will be the Honeyb33s lite version of the brick and mortar model that will be the standard model for our other restaurants to follow. Honeyb33s is just the first stage in an idea of restaurant chains.
Self Identified Competition
Our biggest competitors are local food trucks and restaurants that are located closer to the center of Madison/Huntsville. Right now we don't have competitors that operate in our space. We offer a full size restaurant menu with the comfortability and ease of an online establishment.
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