xceptional.studio™ | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 606801068
Location: Dallas, TX, United States
Length of Operation: 3
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
With this funding, I intend to open a multi-use design studio- that will double as a principal space of operation, as well as an educational center for skill-building in the design sector. Funding will also be allocated to hiring full-time educators, project managers, as well as studio managers. Lastly, a large portion of funding will be awarded to acquiring equipment such as computers, along with design-specific programs
Business Plan
Through acquiring this grant, as well as continued work securing sustainable corporate relationships- I intended to scale my business by 500% during this period. An investment in this studio is an investment in the Black community. As many of our clients are businesses that (as well as those in the communities we serve) experience Blackness, any investment in this operation is an investment in the economic development of an over-extracted community. This investment will lead to job training, career, preparedness, as well as job placement for those within group- within the Design sector.
Self Identified Competition
I am currently unaware of any operations that provided the same benefit, to this demographic as I do. For this reason, this operational is largely scaleable. As one that experiences Blackness, I understand the what is needed (to some degree) to heal our community. What sets this operation apart is the personal sentiment. I understand what it feels like to aspire for more, while not having resources (or examples) to lead the way. I intend to end that cycle for those after me. It is my intention, my ability, as well as my empathy- that sets me apart for competitors: especially those that do not share this experience.
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