A & Key Properties LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 82-4368899
Location: Fayetteville, NC, United States
Length of Operation: 3 years
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
I am in the business of helping people. I have exhausted my personal funds and need assistance so I can provide quality housing for low-income families.
Business Plan
In the next five years, I plan to own several multi-unit properties, in order to provide quality living for low-income families. Investors should invest in me, because I am an entrepreneur who wants to help others. My business is extremely important and it takes families off the street. There is a future in real estate and the money awarded to me will not be wasted. It will be managed well and with integrity. My moral compass is also intact, so I will do things ethically.
Self Identified Competition
My top three competitors are REI groups, Century 21, and wholesale investors. The properties that I can actually afford to even look at are scooped up before they hit the MLS. It makes it extremely hard for a small business like mine to become successful. I am different from my competitors because I help those families who are often forgotten about and tossed to the wayside. Regardless of wealth, everyone needs a fair chance at achieving the American Dream. If families are on a fixed income and cannot afford to buy a house, they should be able to use any assistance available to acquire a quality home for their families.
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