Up with the JONESZ enterprise LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 11-11111111
Location: AKRON, OH, United States
Length of Operation: 2
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
continue operations, stock/inventory, employment, rent, utilities, further knowledge/education materials, sanitation items.
Business Plan
To expanding my business with multiple locations, and larger inventory and employment of others. I am a single mother, woman owned, minority owned business woman in a low in income targeted community looking to expand my services to those in need.
Self Identified Competition
There's no competition for me...What I do is different and not a lot of people have put forth the effort to learn this craft. I offer my community hard to find and/or personalized variety of top notch items at reasonable pricing. Being able to assist youth football organizations with personalized individual jersey's, cheerleading uniforms, water bottles, socks, t-shirts etc was my greatest give back and I will continue this for a lifetime by employing and teaching and passing down this gift to my children and grandchildren.
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