Parsheona Hook Me Up Big Time | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: BL2021-03078
Location: Little Rock, AR, United States
Length of Operation: 4
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
My business is falling apart i will use the money to purchase items to keep business in a running and flowing manner.
Business Plan
I would love to have a big space to call my own and help other's receive employment opportunities through my company. My company is not only for the people it is about the people I design customized long lasting designs to the persons taste everyone love to look apart from the crowd and I make that happen with affordable prices to help people save not break their pockets.
Self Identified Competition
RIGHT NOW EVERY RETAIL COMPANY IS BECAUSE OF MY BUSINESS FALL DUE TO COVID 19. I'm in this industry to put a smile on someone's face money is great and all but its the heart that counts and if u do things out of a good heart good will come to you so I believe u can be blessed by being the blessing to the world with your talents.
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