VGB Business Management, LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 20181400741
Location: Aurora, CO, United States
Length of Operation: 2018
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
This funding, $100,000.00 will be utilized for the following: 1.) Revolving Capital of the existing business 2.) Business Expansion- Inventory of Products in hand for fast shipments. 3.) Salary /Professional Fee- to assist with Marketing, Employee to assist the operation I.e - craft designer, and office admin 4.) Private Labelling project- New Jewelry Designs- SKU, Patent/Trademark registration and product creation prototype. 5.) Miscellaneous Office Operations day to day expenses.
Business Plan
In 5-years, we plan to grow our business with the following steps: 1.) By increasing our e-commerce retail store products due to no individual full time employee working in this area, our items on sale are limited. 2.) Private Labelling- Own Product Designs, (Natural Pearls, Gold and Diamonds) we will expand our marketing force not just through Social Media platform but to Actual Shopping Malls like Macy’s, JC Penny, and other known shopping store for Jewelry Shop. 3.) Building/Office- To accommodate the increasing sale in person and online Marketing an gain the trust of a client, we will rent or develop a physical location where clients can visit us in person. 4.) Education- To assist us in the industry we specialize, Two of our Staff or, the owner, will enroll classes through to become a Professional Gemologist from Pearls, Gemstone and Diamonds. 5.) wholesaler- we will be working with B2B services as a wholesaler of our own product designs. 6.) Location- Expansion US based, France, Canada, UK and England 7.) US based- Wholesalers main based (like alibaba) I’ve been in the US and a tax payer since 1999 and become a US citizen in 2003. I’m an honest individual, hard working women and very entrepreneurial minded with passion to owning a successful business someday. I’ve tried a few businesses and failed due to financial and human labor support. I’ve started this business, Jewelry Shop ( in 2018 with very small Capital, made some personal sacrifice to support my passion in the jewelry business . And it’s proven that is really working with my part time effort time and financial. In the first year, 2018 no income, second year in 2019 my income was about approximately $8,500 and 3rd year approximately $20,000 and in 2021, monthly sale is consistent and increasing. I have a lot of ideas and plans to expand and execute what I’ve started but limiting due to financial support. With your understanding and Financial support to give this a consideration, I should be able to help with the economy by hiring some people and at the same time, making the entrepreneurship for an immigrant becomes a reality.
Self Identified Competition
AliExpress Shopify Alibaba The competition have their own unique products and ours are similar Pearls, Diamonds, Gold and Gemstone. The main goal is Business Distribution to individual shoppers and B2B (wholesalers) are no longer based in China, India or other Countries. The difference is It will based in The US which helps for the fast shipment, quality and help the economy by employing the US residents and by attracting outer countries wholesalers be part of our organization. Quality, Trustworthy and Economy Boaster.
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