Zeke Enterprises LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 86-2667318
Location: Indianapolis, IN, United States
Length of Operation: 0
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
I have just started and LLC and I plan to finish purchasing the items I need to be able to start making money (i.e. BOC-3, MC number, etc.), buy a box truck, purchase the insurance and be on the road making money within a week of receiving the funds. I am ready to do this, I just need a bit of help financially in the beginning.
Business Plan
I wish to start off with one truck that I will drive, but within the next 5 years, I plan to have multiple trucks. After gaining some credibility with my business, I plan to go after permanent contracts for a much more stable source of income. I am one of the most motivated people when it comes to something that interests me. The moment I heard about the trucking business and how easy it could be, I was excited to receive more details. I have now started my own LLC, researched everything I need to start hauling. I have lined all of my ducks in a row and now I am ready to take my shot. Investing in me will ensure that money is not going to waste because I am not only motivated, I am organized, neat and meticulous. I have a military background (currently serving) and a son under 1 year old so I definitely have my responsibilities in line like I am supposed to.
Self Identified Competition
Top 3 competitors: 1.) Myself. I always want to do better than the last time I completed that same action. 2.) The people willing to drive further than I currently have sought out. I look at people who are eager to earn more money and I use that to motivate myself to do better. 3.) Time. The are only an estimated 24 hours in a day. Unfortunately, sleep is required which leaves even less time to achieve your goals. I come at this competitor head on and I try not to waste any of it because I lose money anytime I do. 1.) I am always changing. I am moldable and flexible, so I can always become better than myself. 2.) What makes me different than the people doing more than me? If you are at the top, it's harder to find someone to look up to, strive towards, be better than. I have the drive because I am at the bottom. 3.) Time is an EXACT. It doesn't change, it is not flexible, forgiving, or willing to learn new things to become more efficient. Once I find the perfect flow to defeat the lack of time I have, this will k longer be a competitor.
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