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December 5, 2024, 11:00 pm UTC

Property Sapiens LLC DBA Akki's Cupcakery & Tea 47-4584320 | Government Grant Application

Property Sapiens LLC DBA Akki's Cupcakery & Tea | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 47-4584320

    Location: SAN ANTONIO, TX, United States

    Length of Operation: 1

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    Here is how the grant money will be spent: 40% will go to Branding - Logo, Social Media, Flyers etc. 30% on Ingredients (as I use organic ingredients) 15% Advertising and Online Reputation 10% Delivery 5% Utilities and Misc. Expenses This will change in future years as I want to have a storefront and employees as the business grows. I want enough to grow the company and give at least 6,000 to 8,000 to non-profits. Any support will help me help the community!

  • Business Plan

    I want to have a storefront in the next 2 years. I want to hire employees to run the stores. Buy or lease commercial-grade equipment for baking. Put more money behind awareness so people know who we are and why they should choose us as compared to our competitors. Also, want to include more items on my menu In the next 5 years, I want to open multiple locations in SA and Austin (maybe) and expand my menu items to include more bakery products and move from cupcakery to a bakery. There are multiple reasons: 1) I am a young teen entrepreneur who is passionate about baking and needs help 2) I am willing to learn from everyone and have a feedback mechanism on my website for my customers: 3) I use mostly ORGANIC ingredients in my cupcakes 4) I want to share 50% of my profits with Kids Charities in San Antonio and was on local TV Channel for my charitable contributions: 5) Only one in SA that can deliver a KETO and VEGAN cake within 8-24 hours 6) Fully functional e-commerce website that allows people to choose, checkout and pay for their order. 7) The website is built on WordPress and I have added new products with ease myself without any technical help. 8) I have immaculate reputation on Google: 9) I am active on social media platforms and have a good understanding of how to engage and convert followers to buyers.

  • Self Identified Competition

    1) Wholesome Eating Gluten Free, Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Bakery and Restaurant - They are very close to what I do but DO NOT use organic ingredients 2) Gigi's Cupcakes San Antonio - They have better variety of cupcakes and have been operational much longer than my business 3) Powerhouse Bakery at Nutrition Matters, Inc. - They have KETO options and a cooking school and is a full bakery Here are my differences: 1) None of them is supporting kids charities 2) None of them are using organic ingredients 3) Their delivery time is 24-72 hours for custom cakes and we can deliver in 6 hours to maximum 48 hours 4) We have KETO cake which is also GLUTEN-FREE that they do not offer 5) Our KETO Cupcake recipe has ONLY 1 GRAM of CARB:

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