U S G r a n t s . c o m
November 5, 2024, 12:56 am UTC

Wayne & Son AutoCare LLC 4639330 | Government Grant Application

Wayne & Son AutoCare LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 4639330

    Location: Columbus, OH, United States

    Length of Operation: N/A

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    If I was granted these funds the money will be used for tools the purchasing of parts the purchasing of the work vehicle as well as business cards websites

  • Business Plan

    I plan on marketing myself first and foremost with the use of social media and word-of-mouth As well as making myself a website I’m 28 years old I finally figured out what I wanna do in life I made this business based from the teachings my dad told me that is why his name is first on my business I don’t plan on failing I plan on succeeding all I ask is the opportunity to be put in the right position so I can succeed and reach the goals I have for myself and also make this business something I can pass on to my son or my daughter as well as provide jobs for my family and friends once I get in the position

  • Self Identified Competition

    My first competitor would be maintenance shops their self my second competitor other mechanics they also offer the same service and the third competitor would be myself I can get in the way of my own success as long as I Keep my head on straight and stay focus I will achieve all my girls What makes me different from other competitors I believe in karma first in for most I refuse to do wrong or get over on a customer just to make an extra dollar I want to have an honest businessI trustworthy business and I would like my work to speak for it’s self

  • Contact Applicant

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