TG BASKETS LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 85-1817508
Location: Bartlett, TN, United States
Length of Operation: 1 year
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
The funding that I am requesting will be used for the purchase of baskets, wrapping, tape, glue guns, etc.
Business Plan
Right now I am currently working from home but within the next few years I would like to branch out to a building. There are always holidays, birthdays, and all sorts of special occasions that cause for special gifts.
Self Identified Competition
I consider myself as my number 1 competitors. Secondly would be the big retail stores and followed by flower and novelty shops. The thing that makes me different is that my baskets/gifts can be customized however you would like. No 2 people are alike and my gifts would match their personality.
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