West Side Canvas LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 474206264
Location: Costa Mesa, CA, United States
Length of Operation: 3
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Rent, payroll, maintenance, advertising, utilities, vendors
Business Plan
Expand in amount of events held, types of events held, and increase self produced events to help benefit non-profits, schools, musicians, and art. We are a eco-friendly event center focused on bringing community together with a mindful approach. We focus on education, arts, and community functions, many of which help to raise money for non-profits and foundations.
Self Identified Competition
Our top three competitors are local based event centers that offer similar services such as entertainment, food & beverage programs, and community gatherings. Westside Museum manages and employs local vendors and businesses, has an in-house food and beverage program, as well as an in house AV/PA program and has an eco-friendly approach to enhance our eco-friendly footprint. We focus most of our events on giving back to our community.
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