Randy | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 45-0394879
Location: Jamestown, ND, United States
Length of Operation: 21
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
Garage Rental: $5340.00 Payroll one Employee $9000.00 Owner Draw $18000.00
Business Plan
Upgrade by purchasing new tow trucks. Employing one full time person. Because I have a self-built reputation and I am a pillar in the community. I've owned and operated Randy's Auto Express for 21 years.
Self Identified Competition
They advertise as 24 hour towing, but refuse to answer the phone at night. One company has felonies so Law Enforcement can not use them. Mechanically, I can assist and repair travelers that break down along our major interstate, frequently it's after hours. I have a proven record of maintaining my customer's with my mechanic abilities. In addition I have built my reputation as a leading tow truck and flatbed hauling company. My business has grown from my hard work as I started my company with $1000.00 in my checking account. I've really never had any operating loans of any kind.
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