The Ambassador Coalition, Inc | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 86-2801284
Location: Ames, IA, United States
Length of Operation: Less than one
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
We are a coalition that is committed to partnering with churches and church organizations to raise up leaders and plant multiethnic churches. We focus on investing in minority leaders and providing funding. We are asking for $150,000 as a boost to our work. These funds would go toward training and salary of young ministry leaders. Our leaders are required to raise funds for themselves as well as be supported by us. We would like to commit $25,000 at this time to each leader. $150,000 would allow us to immediate invest in six leaders! This would create a tremendous impact for us as it is difficult for minorities to raise funds and be selected and counted on for ministry. We are committed to making sure this is possible. Our aim is to raise up a generation who values diversity, the multiethnic church, and community impact.
Business Plan
Year 1 - This year is a foundation year. This is where we are now. We are wanting to spend as much time as possible on the foundation level to ensure we are solid. The majority of our work here is fundraising. Our big hope is to have raised over $100,000 by the end of year one. Year 2 - We will begin investing in leaders financially. There are avenues now to invest in leaders through education, service, and other opportunities. However, the aim is to be able to support these leaders as they give themselves to ministry. Year 3 - By year three, we are expecting to have raised $250,000-$300,000 with 90% of the revenue going towards church planting and leaders and 10% going towards various local community engagement (post incarceration, sex traffic victims, homeless, foster care, etc.) Year 4 - By year four, we will not only partner with local churches and Christian organizations, but national churches and Christian organizations. We understand that we are not the only ones with this vision and want to be blessed to be a blessing to others. Year 5 - By year five, we will be raising up leaders for on a consistent basis and will be able to support leaders in ministry and church plant efforts annually. For our work to be fruitful, we are needing to raise about $350,000-$400,000 per year. This would help provide for multiple modest salaries, building rental, and various equipment necessary for the beginning stages of church planting and ministry. We want to see a better and more unified America. It is true that Christianity has historically been used as a tool for division. But I believe the tense moments we find ourselves in today will be the war we find ourselves in tomorrow if we do not come together across differences. America is nearing a majority-minority reality and we still haven’t quite figured out how to cohabitate well. We believe the answer is a holistic gospel of redemption and reconciliation. It takes a specific type of Christian to preach and live this message and we are committed to raising up and supporting these kind of leaders. Leaders that run to the tension with a heart of compassion and justice. We have a solid plan to quantify what we are doing and the amount of leaders we are sending and the impact they are making. We are committing to use 100% of our funds for ministry and community engagement. The money will be put to good use and will serve a life changing cause.
Self Identified Competition
We do not see others in our work as competitors. We see others as partners. Those who have a heart for ministry, Jesus and the Gospel are helpful, not harmful, to our mission. Some churches and organizations who have a similar vision are Transformation church in Indian Land, SC, Mosaix Church in Little Rock, AK, and The Rock church in Long Beach, CA. We are a minority led Christian organization in a field and work that is dominated by majority culture. Church planting has been a consistent white evangelical/Protestant endeavor that has reached mostly white rural and suburban areas. We are wanting to create a new dynamic of minority leaders who care about the city and university campuses. We are a next-generation focused entity with high value placed on young leaders. We want to mobilize young ambitious God fearing leaders for gospel impact.
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