ismg llc | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 06002233686
Location: Towaco, NJ, United States
Length of Operation: 2
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Will purchase a Sterileaf reactive oxygen decontamination for medical/recreational cannabis, along with the required delivery equipment Detailed Synopsis: Problem with most cannabis is mold contamination. Industry Financial Impact: Cannabis cultivators are losing billions of dollars in revenue each year caused by biological contamination such as fungus, mycotoxins, mold, and bacteria including E. coli. It’s estimated that these microorganisms affect 15%-30% of all cannabis grown in the US. This is the cannabis industry’s “Dirty Little Secret”. In recent months, many states starting to inspect cannabis at the dispensary level have found that as much as 30% of the samples tested were contaminated over the legal limit. This occurred even though they initially received a “passing certificate of analysis” for mold & microbials. Recalls at the retail level are now commonplace. THE PROBLEMS Contaminated cannabis can cause extreme health risks to consumers By 2025 contamination is projected to be a $5B problem. 1. Source: Consumers Health Risks: The implications of ingesting contaminated cannabis in any form has been proven to be extremely hazardous to a user’s health. This is especially the case for immunocompromised consumers like many using medical cannabis. Chronic exposure to pro-inflammatory contaminates can aggravate autoimmune conditions including; asthma, coughing, nausea or worse. Solution The technology is a non-radiated, low-temperature Reactive Oxygen (rO) sterilization system validated to medical standards and developed specifically for the cannabis industry. It purifies and replenishes cannabis far beyond the capability of any other process available today. Consumer health and safety is our #1 priority! In addition to purification, it preserves the THC, CBD, all cannabinoids, and terpenes and has the ability to enhance the flower through rehydration and/or infusion of other terpenes. This process allows unrivaled capability to add flavors, boost the entourage or desired therapeutic effect, and improve the overall quality and value of the flower itself. THE PATENT (link included) # WO 2019 / 133952 A2 (Granted July 4, 2019) Green Technology: A Reactive Oxygen (rO) process with zero ecological footprint. Proven Performance: Validated to medical standards with years of research & development. Preserves the Chemical Properties: Proven not to negatively impact THC, CBD, or Terpenes in any way. The unique ability to re-hydrate flower, infuse terpenes to add flavor, boost the entourage effect & more. The Gold Standard in Cannabis Purification: “We make sure it’s pure”!
Business Plan
The mamajuana business is projected by the state of NJ to produce significant tax income for the state in the next 5 years We are a Company owned by two veterans (one a disabled US vet). We are committed to giving back to the community particularly the underserved populations.
Self Identified Competition
There is no competition at this time in the sterilizations of mamajuana We are committed to serving the community as demonstrated by our commitment to provide excellent service and our veteran status.
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