U S G r a n t s . c o m
January 15, 2025, 12:53 pm UTC

R.R.Moton Alumni Educational Center Foundation Inc 84-3849831 | Government Grant Application

R.R.Moton Alumni Educational Center Foundation Inc | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 84-3849831

    Location: FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP, OH, United States

    Length of Operation: 1

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    To set up the R.R. Moton Alumni Center and provide monies for operation and implementation of programs and services to our under served and impoverished community.

  • Business Plan

    My new foundation has been given our old school building after in closed in 2019. I graduated from that school in 1966. In 2009 I formed the R.R. Moton High School alumni web page and have over 800 members. Of the 800 members there are 52 retired teachers that have agreed to volunteer their time in the after school programs. I retired after a 45 year retail management career as store manager, district manager.regional training manager . I can set up this program and run it as a business. Additionally, I formed the Skyline Acres Improvement Association in Cincinnati in 1980, received $700,000 + federal community block grant dollars and managed it successfully until my transfer to New York city in 1990. I have the expertise and a proven track record to manage. In this new venture, as director and incorporator along with 6 other directors that includes 2 retired high schools principals,2 well known ministers ,a city council member and a retired financial aid officer I believe our success is eminent. The demographics of Talladega County, and in particular the small towns of Alpine (population) 2,200 and Sycamore, ( population) 4,200, strongly suggest a need in these under served communities. Example, there is not a single primary care facility with in 15 miles.We are negotiating right now to solve that problem. To grow our business over the next 5 years we plan to generate income by renting space in part of the building for meetings family reunions banquets , sell memberships to the community center, provide drug counseling ,feed the hungry, distribute food through government food programs open a child care facility etc. You should invest in us as we prepared. with all of the experiences needed to positively impact this under served community.Most of the kids in the county was already testing, before covid, 2 years behind their grade level, crime rate in the city is alarming, gang violence is growing, homeless is on the rise, people are hungry and food insufficient. We can solve some of these problems if we have the necessary funding during this start up. I feel so strongly about this venture that I am selling my home in Ohio and moving back to Alabama..

  • Self Identified Competition

    Our top 3 competitors are: 1. Talladega recreation center 2. Spring street community center, Talladega These centers provide services to city residents only. 20 miles away. 3 .J. Craig Smith community center13 miles away, serves the residents of the city of Sylacauga ,Alabama. My competitors are fully funded by the cities of Talladega and Sylacauga. We are out side of the city limits and are not served by them . We want to provide those same services and more to our under served community.They are not dealing with crime,gang violence, homelessness,, feeding the hungry stc.

  • Contact Applicant

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