Pacific Underwater Construction LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 81-0918769
Location: Hilo, HI, United States
Length of Operation: 2
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Operating expenses, payroll, capital expenditure, sales and marketing, EQUIPTMENT REPAIR AND MAINTENENCE!
Business Plan
Attain recurring annual jobs and contracts of which sustain, and grow client relations on a consistent basis. Our company, Pacific Underwater Construction LLC, is well equipped with knowledge, experience and the will to do right among the community of the Big Island Hawaii. We are able to keep infustructor up to code, expand infustructor as needed. We bring safety to the tourist and local population in regards to Diving and medical services. Offering emergency and medical assistance with the acquisition of the use of a hyperbaric chamber to treat divers with decompression sickness. As of today, there is no other company on the Big Island of Hawaii with our set of skills, knowledge and equiptment to save, improve lives and Underwater infustructor.
Self Identified Competition
Sea engineering on Oahu, Phoenix on Oahu and Pacific Diving Industries on Oahu Hawaii. All of our competitors are located on the island of Oahu. With extremely high overhead and operating costs. Us being on the big island, we can still service all islands with lower over head, and higher maneuverability. Our competitors are too far away to treat emergencies that are life threatening or infustructor related to the situations that occur on the Big Island of Hawaii. PUCLLC is here to work with clients and the state government, help save clients and the state government money, grow with the community and be here in case of emergencies, whether they are infustructor related or life threatening.
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