CFG TRUCKING LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 000000000000
Location: jacobsburg, OH, United States
Length of Operation: 1
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
I will use these funds to purchases at Hot Shot Truck and Trailer to haul my loads. I already have prospective loads lined up and have registered at numerous businesses to pick up and haul for them. I am also permitted to haul for private individuals. I just need to be able to make these purchases to start up my business and reach my goal and dreams for our future.
Business Plan
I have a goal set to earn and bank enough revenue to actually purchase a second truck and trailer over the next year to expand this company. After i have reached that goal I intend to make another truck and trailer purchase within that next year or sooner with the revenue generated from the previous year or prior to that. I intend to expand this company ( Family Business) and have my children being employed and to leave this business to them one day. This type of business is growing as we speak and the potential is endless as transportation country wide is in great demand. I am an asset to this industry. My current employer refers to me as "HIS PRIZE DRIVER". I am not afraid to drive and meet all deadlines with not damaged product. I will be able to expand and deliver the demands from one state to another delivering products . I am proud of my choice in this career and want to get this business up and running as soon as possible. I have an honest accountant ready to be onboard and also have the loads lined up. I have many resources and the capability for making this dream come true for me and my family. This company is named after my deceased father in law and that also gives me the drive to not falter in my destination.
Self Identified Competition
S&W Hotshotting LLC MPR "Lion Industries" Efficient Transportation LLC I would not be prices gouging my customers or cutting corners to meet my loads. I would also be sure that all my taxes are paid in a timely manner.
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