M D Dotson & Sons Funeral home | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 46-4496550
Location: Cleveland, TN, United States
Length of Operation: almost 75 years
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
mortgage relief and expansion into real future time with new aspects of funeral service and training to younger generation.
Business Plan
strategic areas have been plotted out to provide consumers with fresh new approach to death and dying; especially in the minority communities. Having this approach will allow minority consumers to have accessible in their own communities . Investors should take serious attention to my business because as a minority it would be 1000 times better to enhance and promote our business than to see it flounder in the future. Through our growth we will stimulate the workforce with new skills and jobs and provide new frontiers for computer technology and science.
Self Identified Competition
our top competitor has not sensitivity toward the minority community other than the economic dollars it can manipulate from it. Many, other the techniques and marketing approach we developed our quickly taken and used by our competitors even our marketing slogans. The real reason we are set apart from any of our competitors is because we have something that all large business don't have. We have personalization. We care about people , we don't sale for profit, we sale for a service that no other funeral establishment has been able to duplicate. We are four generations in our trade, our craft ,our gift of excellence in body preparation and funeral service.
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