kidd Kave learning center | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 851454937
Location: little rock, AR, United States
Length of Operation: 1 year
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
to expand so we can except more children for parents to work ( we are turning down childcare shortage of teachers can't pay them. better equipment be able to afford training for teachers help on rent , food ,supplies and playground equipment and all the kitchen equipment are burn out need new ones
Business Plan
hire more teacher and open up new location.get professional advertising and marketing. i have worked in childcare over 10 years my education background is childcare college degree childcare. my hard is with the younger generation thats where it start and if i can make a difference i don't want to miss that chance i am certified with better beginning level 2 which is a blessing to be in childcare.
Self Identified Competition
i have 4 childcare centers around me and they are all levels 1 I'm level 2 working on level 3 which is the highest level. i have different cultures of children in my faculty and i have learn alot from each culture i have Hispanic parents that love my center volunteer to teach me Spanish to work more with there child. i put children first i dont turn down because of the culture i teach them they teach me
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