Vivian Properties LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 10304008
Location: Robinson, IL, United States
Length of Operation: Less than 1
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Rehabbing and updating of 8 rental units that house solely low and very low income tenants which some have mental illness
Business Plan
Stabilizing these units is the key to business growth. Repairs gave been neglected for to long through previous ownership. This is my first rental property and a lot of my tenants have explained to me that my units are home and only option in town to not basically living on street. I dont consider an investment in me for returns but an investment in quality of life of my tenants. They are good people and do not deserve the previous negation of past landlords. Im here to change that. I have been painting and doing drywall for last 10 years and i know what improper living conditions are through several projects i have been a part of.
Self Identified Competition
I do not really have competitors considering i dont feel that anyone else in town would rent to my current roster of tenants. Me and my girlfriend look beyond people as paychecks and try to focus on what we can do to better peoples lives. She worked as an adult care provider for mentally ill people and has been a godsend for me and this property. I work on the stuff and she keeps the peace.
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