Live Rich Barbershop LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 83-4669614
Location: Ft Belvoir, VA, United States
Length of Operation: 2
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Looking to open a larger place
Business Plan
By opening a larger shop and hiring more employees The cosmetology realm is expanding and I’m in tune with all the current styles and marketing of myself.
Self Identified Competition
My top 3 competitors all have larger shoes, which allows them the opportunity to make more money from more clients. That’s the only thing that makes them an actual competitor to me and my business. The thing that makes me different from my competitors is I cut every haircut as if it’s my own. I put my passion into each and every cut. The fact that I am a smaller business mean I have to be more attentive to my work because I don’t have the volume that they have
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