Ritual Healing LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 87-1546136
Location: Denver, CO, United States
Length of Operation: .5
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
I will be using funding to start my business full time at a women's collective.
Business Plan
I plan on continuing my education in different healing modalities so that I am able to provide a incredibly unique tattooing experience so that my service is not like any other also in order to charge more per a session and attract people from around the globe. I have had an overwhelming amount of people reaching out for this service and amazing feedback. I am taking classes with Mi Casa Resource center to build a full proof business plan. I have the passion and drive to make this a successful business.
Self Identified Competition
I am not aware of any one that is doing the same thing as I am. If there are competitors it would be other tattoo studios but they do not provide the same type of services. I offer a unique tattoo experience where I take the time hearing people's life's story and I take their story and turn it into a set of symbols.
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