Pitre Productions | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 87-1630006
Location: Georgetown, TX, United States
Length of Operation: 1
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
The requested funding will be used to promote the business through advertisement. The funding will also be to enhance the quality of production equipment to provide a professional level of service that will lead to the expansion and growth of the company. Lastly, the funding will be used to invest in merchandise that will contribute to the promotion of the brand and services of the business.
Business Plan
The five year plan of Pitre Productions is to provide a creative culture and environment of music artists and musicians. The hope is to cultivate a community of creative artists/musicians that will help propel one another to the next level of music ultimately reaching the millions of potential listeners as they convey their message through the music production and studio recordings of Pitre Productions. The services provided by this business will allow artists and musicians to collaboratively play a part in success of one another. We are looking to cultivate a culture and community of talented individuals that will be geared towards helping others to succeed and advance within the industry of music. The hope is that as we bring the creative vision and final product to life for our clients, it will then help to propel their career placing them in a position to grow, develop and network with those in the music industry.
Self Identified Competition
There is no current information on any competitors. The services provided by this business will allow artists and musicians to collaboratively play a part in the success of one another. We are looking to cultivate a culture and community of talented that will be geared towards helping others to succeed and advance within the industry of music. The hope is that as we bring the creative vision and final product to life for our clients, it will then help to propel their careers placing them in a position to grow, develop, and network with those in the music industry.
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