871582464 | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: Kreative Artz
Location: Houston, TX, United States
Length of Operation: 0
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
The material and equipment listed is what I need in order to make and design the artwork and material requested for my clients. (25) Costco Center Fold Table 6ft: $1175 (25) Costco Center Fold Table 8ft: $1825 Snapmaker 2.0 Modular 3-in1 3-D Printer: $1799 Crossfire Pro CNC Plasma w/ Add-ons: $4129 XL Acrylic Art Set: $128 Drawing & Sketching Bundle set of 33: $61.16 (115 Cans) Krylon Crystal Clear: $947.60 (25) Satin Poster Paper 24"×100': $1470 (100)LED Strip Lights 50ft: $1749 (500) Business Cards: $19.95
Business Plan
I plan on expanding to different states and potentially international, but for now I'm focusing on local and in-state In the college community, the millennial time period, cosplayers and even other business owners are looking for custom designs and material they can't find in stores. With my business I'll be able to provide just what they are looking for and in an efficient way and amount of time.
Self Identified Competition
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