Texind Inc | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 134076040
Location: Livingston, NJ, United States
Length of Operation: 22
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Increase of inventory, hire one to two people for setting up and maintaining online and social media sales and increase product category.
Business Plan
We plan to grow the business by increasing our foothold with online presence, social media sales as well increasing our product offerings. Our products are one of its kind catering to mid end to high end clients. We have our own design house and have creative solutions for our customers.
Self Identified Competition
The competitors have less advantage over us as we are posed as manufacturers who have their units in India with sales and service office in US. The competitors do not have that advantage as they are all located outside the country. Our geographical positioning, our design services and one to one interaction with the clients
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