CC Custom prints LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 834323751
Location: Shingle springs, CA, United States
Length of Operation: 2
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
I plan to use this money to expand my diamond painting business. That way I have more colors to choose from to do custom diamond painting photos.
Business Plan
I plan to expand my color selection to have more custom diamond paintings for sale, I would like to have at lease 1 new employee to help with the speed and process of getting products out to other people, and want to be able to have more variety of products to eventually have a diamond painting craft store. Winning any award would help me to employ another person for hire, help me expand my color selection for Custom Diamond Painting Photos, and help me to pay for marketing through etsy, amazon, and my website. I also feel that I bring a lot of joy to those who like to Diamond Paint and if you invest in me I can also bring joy to others by supplying this craft because this craft helps motor skills, helps patience, and is very therapeutic and relaxing to craft. There are also no other suppliers here in the US that I know of and would really benefit having this craft here in the USA as this craft was originated in Asia.
Self Identified Competition
My top three competitors are those who sell these paintings on, aliexpress, and those who sale diamond paintings of facebook adds. My business is different from other competitors because my diamond paintings are handmade kits that are put together like a DIY photography kit. I also created diamond tack which is the replacement for diamond painting wax. I also prepackage my diamond painting colors by symbol so that it is easier to start a project. Other competitors do not have any of these things.
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