U S G r a n t s . c o m
February 9, 2025, 1:02 am UTC

Legacy Heritage 86-1703052 | Government Grant Application

Legacy Heritage | Application Preview


Legacy Heritage is applying for government grants to support the Newtown Redevelopment Community Garden, which aims to enhance urban agriculture and meet the food needs of low-income individuals in Newtown, Houston Hill, and King Hill. The funding will be allocated as follows: $10,000 for land maintenance, $5,700 for program expenses, $7,800 for educational outreach, $9,500 for equipment maintenance, and $17,000 for salaries.

The project seeks to create community gardens in food deserts, offering residents a chance to learn about gardening as a means to improve their access to nutritious food. The initiative will empower participants to cultivate their own fruits and vegetables while also integrating educational components about the health benefits of gardening. A farmer’s market will be established to sell excess produce, with proceeds reinvested into the garden's operations.

Legacy Heritage emphasizes sustainability beyond the project's initial phase, with plans for ongoing income through booth rents at the farmer’s market and contributions from a food truck lot. The organization has previously engaged a grant writing consultant to identify funding opportunities and plans to collaborate with local officials to secure financial support.

The application highlights strong community partnerships and shared objectives with the USDA Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production. The proposed project addresses pressing food insecurity issues, particularly exacerbated by the pandemic, and aims to provide necessary resources and education for low-income households.

Legacy Heritage believes it has a competitive edge, as other local organizations like the Montgomery Area Food Bank and Salvation Army do not offer the same level of follow-up or tailored support for residents. By focusing on community outreach, wellness checks, and educational programs, Legacy Heritage aims to fill gaps in service for vulnerable populations in District 3.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 86-1703052

    Location: Montgomery, AL, United States

    Length of Operation: 1

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    Land Maintenance - $10,000 Program Expenses - $5,700 Educational Outreach - $7,800 Equipment Maintenance - $9,500 Salary - $17,000 The Newtown Redevelopment Community Garden will address the goal of the USDA Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production (UAIP) in supporting the development of urban agriculture and innovative production by meeting the food needs of low-income individuals in the historical neighborhoods of Newtown, Houston Hill, and King Hill. This will be done via community gardening outreach program to improve access to nutritious fresh produce. In furtherance of this mission, Legacy Heritage directs its efforts, energies, and resources towards educational and community developmental programming and related research projects for at risk African American and Latino residents and their families in District 3. The implementation of community food gardens in food deserts will help participants develop a working knowledge of medical, therapeutic, and recreational gardening. The introduction of researched pathogen protected meeting components will reduce the spread of all airborne pathogens while gathering. Implementation Project Purpose: The Newtown Redevelopment Community Garden will empower the community with a self-sustained plan for supplementing their food supply of healthy food for the long-term. The garden will strengthen the availability of medical, therapeutic, and recreational gardening. The Newtown Redevelopment Community Garden and its proposed outcomes will also increase community self-reliance supplementing each household’s food supply. Our planting program invites both beginning and avid gardeners to plant, cultivate and harvest their own lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Gardening instruction is provided to ensure a successful harvest. Excess food is organized in a farmer’s market where citizens outside the targeted communities can purchase food; proceeds will be reinvested in next year’s seeds, supplies, class materials, staff salaries and program evaluations. The basic gardening knowledge provided in our programs give participants a lifelong skill of being able to produce food individually. The skill of being able to grow your own food along with a supplement medical garden will cut food and over-the-counter medication expenses for the more than 1900 households during the first fiscal year alone.

  • Business Plan

    Several aspects of The Newtown Redevelopment Community Garden will continue beyond the end of the project period. The farmer’s market will contribute to the long-term success of the garden by collecting booth rent from participating vendors. Our food truck lot is anticipated to contribute 5% of the earnings from lot rent towards the garden’s continued success. In 2020, Legacy Heritage retained the services of a grant writing consultant who has been assisting with identifying public and private sector funding opportunities to sustain existing grant funding programs as well as to start new programs to meet the needs of our families and children. Legacy Heritage plans to work with the newly elected city council member for District 3 to identify local and regional grant and contract funding opportunities. Finally, Legacy Heritage will work with its board of directors to identify the best types of fundraising activities, including individual gifts and other grant funding, and recruit volunteers to implement these activities. We have partnered with several community advocates as well as local and national corporations that have donated time, money, and letters of support towards this project. Legacy Heritage shares the priorities of the UAIP in focusing on individual development. As well as facilitating entrepreneurial projects in our targeted such as horticultural job training, available land, equipment, mentoring, and other business development assistance to new and beginning farmers. Our stakeholders fell the best way to achieve these goals it to keep individual growth at the forefront of the educational and developmental process. All activities are structured to activate interest and introduce a hands-on approach that will accelerate learning. This approach will aid individuals in developing new businesses, jobs, or employment training opportunities with measurable levels of confidence. As the pandemic drags on the face of food insecurity now includes people who work full time, own their own homes, own their own cars and pay to educate their children. Help is critically needed now. Without the food security gardens in these hardest hit communities of color, our young families will have to choose between paying utilities and making sure their children can at least eat 5 days a week this month or living by candlelight so the entire family can eat six days a week all month. Our seniors will continue to slowly deteriorate and die alone from malnutrition and loneliness. Non-family households are living on the brink of homelessness. With your help, The Newtown Redevelopment Community Garden will provide information, education and true community, allowing residents to not just survive, but to thrive.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Montgomery Area Food Bank Salvation Army Eat South Because the area we serve is so underprivileged many cases of food insecurity go unreported. Currently there are no weekly wellness checks exclusively to secure food for these residents. The Montgomery Area Food Bank, Salvation Army and other local programs help people, but people must come to their facilities. Follow ups, wellness checks and nutritional educational programs are not part of their programs. Legacy Heritage is taking the lead in starting these programs and activities for District 3 residents.

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