KLH Trucking LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 3426366
Location: Roggen, CO, United States
Length of Operation: 3
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
The funds will be used on essential items: such as, paying off trailers, getting equipment fixed and consolidating business bills.
Business Plan
We would like to grow our company by adding trucks to it in diversified fields of transportation. I believe that investors should be interested in our business because we are the front line workers during the covid 19. We are a small group that would like to make a big difference not only in our lives but the lives of others. We haul feed commodities to various establishments that the world has seen as necessary, such as, providing transportation to agricultural facilities.(for example farms, ranches,feedlots,dairies, ethanol plants and mills.}
Self Identified Competition
Our top 3 competitors are 3 other trucking companies. These 3 other companies are driven by individuals that have ascertained family money and did not have to struggle to the top. The companies that we haul for, prefer to use us over the other companies because of our work ethics. Our business is different from our competitors because we are knowledgeable in the ag industry. We know about farms, ranches, dairies, feedlots, ethanol plants and mills. The companies we haul for call us first because they know we have this knowledge and we do not stop until the job is done. We are also known for doing the job right and efficiently.
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