Creative Spark Arts LLC | Application Preview
Creative Spark Arts LLC is seeking government grants to support their community-focused art business. The funding will help cover the costs of supplies for displaying consigned art and for conducting various workshops and classes, such as pottery and drawing.
The business plan involves providing local artists a platform to sell their work on a consignment basis, while also expanding educational offerings through classes, collaboration with schools, and summer and after-school art programs.
The Truetts, the husband-and-wife team behind Creative Spark, aim to revitalize the local arts scene, which has suffered during and after the COVID pandemic. They are committed to making art more accessible by encouraging community participation in creative workshops and showcasing local talent in a dedicated space.
While competing with high-end galleries and private instructors, Creative Spark distinguishes itself by catering to everyday individuals interested in exploring art without the pressure of intensive training. Their consignment model also allows artists to retain a larger share of their earnings, further supporting the local creative community.
General Information
Business Registration Number: 86-3934124
Location: Camp Hill, PA, United States
Length of Operation: 0
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
While the retail portion of the business will be consigned art, there is no upfront costs for inventory. However, we will need to purchase supplies for displaying the art and the various workshops/classes we will be offering....from pottery to drawing.
Business Plan
We will continue to offer artists a place to sell their art on consignment as well as expanding our classes and workshops and collaborating with schools and offering summer camps and possibly after school art programs. A husband and wife with a creative dream, the Truetts want to showcase local artists and give them an outlet to sell their work. In other words, they want the community involved in their dream. The arts have been severely lacking in our school system before COVID and since the pandemic it's taken a greater hit. We want to introduce art back into the community by getting the community involved in workshops to explore the various creative mediums out there. We want to help fellow artists showcase and sell their mediums in a clean, permanent location.
Self Identified Competition
High End Galleries Private art instructors We are making this for everyone. This is not an intensive art class for masters. This is for the every day person who just wants to dabble in different art forms. By offering to sell artwork on consignment, we are helping the artists retain a bigger portion of their funs.
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