Spread & Co LLC | Application Preview
Spread & Co LLC is applying for government grants to ensure the business's survival through the upcoming months. Established in October 2019, the company overcame significant challenges during the pandemic but now faces ongoing struggles due to rising labor and goods costs, despite having a profitable year.
The business plans to expand its operations by enhancing mail orders beyond the local area, opening additional restaurant locations, and developing production outlets to supply both the company and external clients.
The grant approval is justified by the company's demonstrated ability to adapt and thrive during difficult times, showcasing a resilient and innovative concept. They have proven profitability and have a solid plan for expansion backed by interest from potential partners.
Spread & Co LLC originally pioneered the Cheese and Charcuterie catering and delivery service in Austin. Despite facing competition, including a newer competitor named Casero that only partially mimics their offerings, the company maintains a competitive edge by providing a comprehensive range of services. They emphasize that a successful restaurant needs to be versatile, offering catering, delivery, and bakery services alongside a full restaurant experience.
General Information
Business Registration Number: 842188716
Location: Austin, TX, United States
Length of Operation: 1.5
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Using for the survival of the business over the net few months. With our company being so young (we opened October 2019) we were very lucky to make it out of "the worst" of Covid, but now we are dealing with the long term affects of the year. We are fighting to survive even though we have a had a profitable year thus far. The ever increasing cost of labor and goods has completely changed the terrain for restaurants, but we are all forced to keep playing the same game.
Business Plan
We have always planned on expanding. We would like to expand mail orders to out of the city and sate. We plan on opening more branches of the restaurant, and off shoots of production to supply both ourselves, and others with our products. We have shown thus far that we can pivot, and adapt to a lot thrown at us. We have not only proven that we are steadfast and have a popular and forward thinking concept, but we've done it during the worse year restaurants have been dealt in any years recently. We can show profit, and we can show a clear plan of expansion and interest from outside parties.
Self Identified Competition
We were the first Cheese and Charcuterie catering and delivery service in Austin. Since then I can count numerous concepts try and replicate us, vastly with failures. We have a newer competitor named Casero, but they only emulate a fraction of what our company does. We not only cater, deliver, and supply, but we also run a full blown restaurant on top of it. This concept has proven our belief that restaurants absolutely have to be multifaceted and fluid to survive. As explained prior, we simply are able to offer more than our competitors. We have faceted ourselves in a position to compete in catering, restaurant sales, bakery and the very popular and trendy world of cheese and charcuterie.
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