U S G r a n t s . c o m
February 15, 2025, 1:44 pm UTC

Sammich'd 86-3836040 | Government Grant Application

Sammich'd | Application Preview


Sammich'd is seeking government grants to support its operations at farmers' markets, covering costs for tents, equipment, food, and permits. The business aims to become a well-known culinary destination in California within five years, focusing initially on Monterey County and expanding to larger cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco. The goal is to create a unique food truck experience that offers fresh, delicious sandwiches sourced from local farms, differentiating itself from traditional high-end restaurants.

The business model emphasizes transparency in sourcing ingredients, highlighting partnerships with local suppliers for produce and beverages. This approach not only supports local agriculture but also aligns with a growing consumer desire for farm-to-table offerings. The owner has conducted extensive research and found very few food trucks offering a similar concept, particularly within the local market.

In terms of competition, Sammich'd faces a grilled cheese food truck that has established a loyal customer base, as well as a brick-and-mortar sandwich shop with a diverse menu. Despite these competitors, Sammich'd plans to attract customers by offering innovative sandwich options and a unique food truck experience. The owner is actively researching customer preferences to ensure the business meets local tastes and becomes a favorite among food lovers. By focusing on quality and creativity in its offerings, Sammich'd aims to carve out a distinctive place in the local food scene.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 86-3836040

    Location: Salinas, CA, United States

    Length of Operation: 0

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Funding will be used for farmer's market expenses (tents, equipment, and food) The money will also be used to pay for the necessary permits in order to legally operate.

  • Business Plan

    In 5 years, I want Sammich'd to be a culinary destination in California. To achieve this, I need to expand business throughout the state by going down to Los Angeles County or San Francisco County and being featured in big events such as fairs and marketplaces. I want people to know that you can get a sandwich that is fresh and delicious on a truck and not only at an expensive restaurant. My goals within the next 5 years would be to partner with different chefs first in my operating area of Monterey County, then expanding to different foodie cities such as San Francisco to do a collaboration. With this exposure, I will be written up by them personally, or through a magazine and people will want to check out the trailer and invite me to music and food festivals throughout the state. I will then achieve my goal of bringing a community together to share their stories while eating an unforgettable meal. Investing in Sammich'd is a unique opportunity. After months of research, I have seen very few trucks doing my concept. My concept is simple, farm to table, or in this case Farm to truck, and supporting local businesses. I have partnered with a local farmer, and she is supplying my produce for two of my sandwiches. It is important to know where the food comes from and a lot of food trucks do not tell you because it is most likely processed or they do not care enough to showcase their ingredients. Not only are my sandwiches supplied by a local business, but my beverages are too. Every food truck I have been to has the same drinks; Coke, Pepsi, and Sprite. I wanted to stand out, so for the last 3 months, I have researched Cali-based beverages and created a business that is a reflection of myself. I truly believe with my dedication and love for this business, that it will thrive once I narrow down my target audience.

  • Self Identified Competition

    There is only one food truck competitor in the county due to the shortage of food trucks. There is a grilled cheese food truck and they have been in operation for about 2 years. They have been to a lot of events both in and out of the county. They have loyal customers who follow them from event to event. This is a result of the shortage of food truck diversity, the rest are taco and barbeque. My biggest challenge would be to bring those customers over to Sammich'd and I believe with the variance in food (other food options will be available at a later date), my culinary work background, and what my overall goal is, that I would be able to bring most over to Sammich'd. Another competitor is a brick and mortar. This place is also primarily sandwiches and they have an extremely diverse menu. They offer meat, vegetarian and vegan sandwiches. Although this is a chain restaurant, yet they serve quantity over quality. The final competitor is every other local sandwich in the area. Many people in my area are dedicated customers meaning that they have gone to a certain place for lunch for years and would need convincing to try something different. I am currently researching this in my area of what people love about that one place they keep going back to and if I apply it to my business, the hope is that I will be the new favorite. What makes me different from my competitors is they do not have the same concept I have. The food truck I mentioned is more traditional with their sandwiches, whereas mine is more out of the box. Not only have I spent the last three years coming up with sandwiches, but I have also put my own twist on traditional sandwiches.

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