U S G r a n t s . c o m
February 7, 2025, 4:51 am UTC

ShardaeSlayy 842728677 | Government Grant Application

ShardaeSlayy | Application Preview


ShardaeSlayy is applying for government grants to expand her beauty business by opening a dream salon. The goal is to serve more clients and educate women in the beauty industry by sharing her expertise.

The business plan involves creating multiple salons and mentoring young adults in the skills she has acquired over the years.

She emphasizes her leadership and commitment to setting a positive example for those entering the beauty field, making a strong case for funding to help others achieve success.

In terms of competition, Shardae acknowledges established companies like Smart Styles, Super Cuts, and Ultra Beauty, all of which operate on a professional level and offer training. However, her business aims to differentiate itself by combining a professional image with a focus on inspiration and empowerment, encouraging her team to grow beyond just being a brand. This approach is expected to attract more customers and foster long-term expansion.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 842728677

    Location: Jackson, MS, United States

    Length of Operation: 6 years

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    My plan is to expand my business . I want to open my dream salon, service more people, and teach my skills to more women who are in the beauty industry .

  • Business Plan

    I plan have multiple people salons , teaching young adults the skills that I've learned thoughout the years of my life. I've always presented myself as a leader . I've set a positive image to people who wants to get into the same field that im in and im looking forward to helping them get to where im at .

  • Self Identified Competition

    Smart styles because they are nationwide and also they are licensed. Everything is done in a professional manner and they teach as they go . Super cuts is a professional beauty business . It teaches different people in the hair industry Also. Ultra Beauty is a professional business that has all over beauty products as well as a professional image . My business will be different . I say this because I would provide the professional image as well . I'll also teach my team how to branch out and be more than just a brand . Inspiring other people thats in the same industry plays a good part in your business. More people will come together, my business will be consistent, and I'll expand over time .

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