U S G r a n t s . c o m
February 7, 2025, 8:17 pm UTC

Chi Flo LLC 461684693 | Government Grant Application

Chi Flo LLC | Application Preview


Chi Flo LLC is seeking government grant funding to help recover from the financial setbacks experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. The owner, Louis Auricchio, aims to use the funds primarily to purchase products for resale, as well as to manage credit card debt accumulated after losing business and customers, compounded by personal loss after his father's passing from COVID-19 in January 2021.

The proposed business plan includes initial product acquisition, followed by implementing robust marketing strategies focusing on search engine optimization (SEO) and online advertising, particularly through social media. Auricchio notes that Chi Flo has a strong following, suggesting that any new product is likely to sell well, whether online or at events like trade shows and pop-up shops. He believes there is significant potential for success, as he has achieved it in the past.

Auricchio highlights his self-taught background and the support he has received over the years as compelling reasons for approving the funding. He has cultivated a brand that resonates with customers, emphasizing the personal touch in his designs and the direct engagement he maintains with his audience. This connection fosters brand loyalty, a key advantage in a competitive market that includes established boutiques and online retailers.

Overall, Auricchio expresses a strong commitment to rebuilding his business, driven not only by personal goals but also by a desire to honor his father's memory and support those who believe in him.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 461684693

    Location: Jersey City, NJ, United States

    Length of Operation: 9

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I will use it to pyurchase goods to sell, to get back into the swing of things - I am in credit card debt from COVISD 19 in which I lost business, customers, and my overall drive since my father died from covid on Jan 5 2021 with no will. Louis Auricchio

  • Business Plan

    First, I'd need product in hand. Next is SEO. Marketing, this is HUGE! I will start by using online ads to promote my product. Also, social media ads are proven to work as well. I will take curated photoshoots, paid for of course, to market these ads. I understand the value, I just don't have the income. Chi Flo has a big cult following. Almost anything I put out I can sell, even if its not online, then its at a trade show, tattoo convention, pop up shop, or wholesale store. There is money to be made, I've done it before, I can do it again. My father died and we owed on his taxes. I mean I'm just out of money now. Ihave a solid backgorund. If you google "Chi Flo clothing" online you can see all the support over the years I've gotten. I never knew anyone or had an "in". I taught myself the entire triade. I graduated from college with a BA in COmmunicaitons. From the ground up, I Humbly climbed the ladder that I no longer wish to climb down from. My whole life is at stake.

  • Self Identified Competition

    -Local Boutqiues with money I design myself. It's just me as owner/operator. People like that; they get a product no one else has. I get to meet and engage with them at pop-ups. It's clothing but its user experience and BRAND LOYALTY which I am So truly proud of, and don't want to let myself, nut, more importantly, those who believe in me down. Especially my dad up in heaven.

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