U S G r a n t s . c o m
February 7, 2025, 5:51 am UTC

Faith and Grace Home Improvement LLC 862713495 | Government Grant Application

Faith and Grace Home Improvement LLC | Application Preview


Faith and Grace Home Improvement LLC is seeking government grants to fund its expansion efforts. The requested funding will be allocated towards increasing payroll, hiring and training a larger workforce, securing a physical location, covering marketing expenses, and acquiring essential equipment.

The business aims to grow by delivering training and employment opportunities, which will enable it to access a larger customer base and secure more contracts across different regions.

The organization's mission focuses on helping at-risk teens and young adults gain self-sufficiency through skill development, making a compelling case for funding support. Faith and Grace sees not only the traditional business landscape as competition but also the societal challenges such as gangs, drugs, and violence that threaten youth.

What sets Faith and Grace apart is its faith-based approach and partnership with a nonprofit dedicated to empowering young individuals. The organization is driven by a mission to effect positive change in lives and communities, with the belief that its work can impact the world for the better, one home at a time.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 862713495

    Location: kansas city, KS, United States

    Length of Operation: 6

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    expansion, hiring, training facility, payroll, marketing, training, rent and utility, fees and dues, equiptment, working capital

  • Business Plan

    to expand buy training and employing a larger workforce, securing a brick and mortor, being anble to access larger volumes in leads and potential customers, more contracts and expanding into more areas. we are a Faith Based organization with a emphasis on helping at risk teens and young adults by teaching them skills to become self sufficient and improve their way of living

  • Self Identified Competition

    To be honest my competitors are not other businesses they are the temptations in the streets. Such as gangs drugs and Violence these are the three main things that threaten the youth. Also a lack of guidence and education is what we are combatting. for us here at Faith and Grace we put god in evrything we do. We are partnered with a non profit that aims to teach train and motivate teens and young adults. We are in business to change lives the work is a means by which we help those in need. Our intentions are to change the world through god one home at a time.

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