Wupperman & Co. | Application Preview
Wupperman & Co. is seeking government grants to expand their ride and rental services, particularly through platforms like Uber Rent, Avail, and Turo. The funds will be used to acquire additional vehicles, including RVs aimed at vacationers in the Ozark area of Missouri.
The business plan outlines a strategy where each vehicle under the Avail program is expected to generate $6,200 annually. As revenue increases, Wupperman & Co. intends to reinvest in more vehicles to expand its rental services. They also aim to include RV rentals in their offerings, catering specifically to travelers in Missouri. Eventually, the plan includes acquiring a franchise hotel near the SGF airport, which would serve as a hub for their rental services and provide guests with shuttle access to and from the airport.
The application emphasizes the current rental car shortage, which has led to increased prices from traditional rental companies. This context presents a lucrative opportunity for Wupperman & Co. to capitalize on the demand for rental services through ride-sharing programs. Their lower overhead cost, thanks to the app-based management of rentals, sets them apart from larger competitors. The integration of RV rentals taps into the growing trend of socially distanced travel, further enhancing their market appeal. By establishing synergies between the car rentals, RV rentals, and hotel services, the business aims to create a comprehensive travel experience for customers while minimizing costs across operations.
General Information
Business Registration Number: 87-2267372
Location: SPringfield, MO, United States
Length of Operation: 1
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Funding would allow the business to purchase more vehicles to generate income with ride / rental share services like Uber Rent, Avail, Turo. As well as invest in Rv's to be rented to vacationers in the Ozark area of Missouri
Business Plan
Each car with Avail guarantees 6200 per year, As we generate income the business would invest back into it self, purchasing more cars to put into the rent system and generate more income. Plan on buying an RV that the business could rent out to the traveling public in the Ozark Missouri area. also through a ride / rental app like uber rent or turo. Once the company has a healthy portfolio, we plan to expand into hotel ownership. Own a franchise hotel property near the SGF airport, and have a shuttle service in place. This would allow the business to expand into a new market with in Springfield Missouri but also would help expand the car and rv rental service as the hotel property would give a cheap and convenient parking lot for the fleet of rental cars and rv's. guest can take the hotel shuttle from the airport to the hotel for a room, the car or both. Due to the rental car shortage big rental car companies are raising prices. Because of this ride / rental share companies and programs like Uber Rent, Turo and Avail are paying premiums for current vehicle owners to join the program. Investing in me would allow me to purchase the assets needed to take advantage of this opportunity. Once the company has a healthy portfolio, we plan to expand into hotel ownership. Own a franchise hotel property near the SGF airport, and have a shuttle service in place. This would allow the business to expand into a new market with in Springfield Missouri but also would help expand the car and rv rental service as the hotel property would give a cheap and convenient parking lot for the fleet of rental cars and rv's. guest can take the hotel shuttle from the airport to the hotel for a room, the car or both.
Self Identified Competition
Major Rental Car companies, Other lyft / Uber drivers Our Business is different because it would take advantage of the national car rental shortage by adding cars to ride share / rental share apps, this app manages the operation behind the rental and pays out profits to the owner, this means our overhead is much less than traditional car rental companies. We will reinvest our profits into more cars to add to the program. program has a yearly income GTD. We plan to take advantage of the current out door (Covid-19 avoidance) social distance traveling trend and add RV's to the marketplace to rent from springfield Missouri a state known for RV'ing. The three businesses will help boost each other and reduce cost for each other,
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