U S G r a n t s . c o m
February 7, 2025, 5:57 am UTC

Theykravekookie LLC 83-4060308 | Government Grant Application

Theykravekookie LLC | Application Preview


Theykravekookie LLC is seeking government grants to support its business, Shop Kookie, which focuses on providing body positive clothing and various marijuana-related accessories. The funding would help secure a storage facility for inventory, improve marketing efforts through professional photography and design updates, and foster connections with high-quality vendors to enhance online sales.

The business promotes self-love and awareness of multiple sclerosis (MS), with a portion of marijuana item sales benefiting the MS foundation. The owner envisions expanding to a physical store within five years and aims to engage with individuals facing similar struggles around self-acceptance and health issues.

Investing in this venture is portrayed as a commitment to mental health and wellness, especially significant in light of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The application emphasizes the importance of self-care, storytelling for personal connections, and raising awareness about MS—an often misunderstood condition. There is also a hint at a new product innovation aimed at revolutionizing the overnight bag market, which requires patenting.

Shop Kookie distinguishes itself from typical clothing chain competitors by promoting comfort, affordability, and a supportive mission rooted in personal experiences with MS. The emphasis is on creating a community around body positivity and providing a platform for meaningful dialogue about self-worth and health.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 83-4060308

    Location: North Miami, FL, United States

    Length of Operation: 1

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    I would be able to afford a storage facility to house my products , hold meetings ,& hire a photographer to professionally shoot my items for the website, as well as update business cards , logo ,purchase a banner , better marketing & advertising, etc ! Not only that but it would allow me to connect with better venders that provide quality items that will definitely increase online sales!

  • Business Plan

    Right now Shop Kookie is providing comfortable body positive clothing to promote loving the skin your in! Not only that but I have a section that sells marijuana items such as bucket hats , socks ,etc which part of the sales go to the MS foundation. My point behind that is to spread awareness about the benefits of medical marijuana! In 5 years I’m hoping to expand to an actual store front clothing store as well as partner with other organizations that promote body positivity as well as other MS foundations. It would be an honor to get the opportunity to speak with people who struggle with MS or loving themselves! I would make it a segment on my YouTube channel . I want to get to a point where I can sponsor individuals & help them achieve there goals despite there limitations. It doesn’t stop there ! I’m working on a product that I want to patent before I give the name out because I know it’s going to change the “over night bag” world forever ! There’s a lot of directions Shop Kookie can go! Investing in me is investing in a brighter future . Mental health has become a huge issue nationally , especially since 2020’s Corona virus pandemic . Now more then ever as human beings we need to understand that taking care of our bodies and state of mind is important. “Self care “ is something majority of the world doesn’t even do! Funding me gives me the power to promote my body positive clothing & to hear personal stories from everyday people who struggle with loving themselves! I find that when people hear stories from other individuals about there struggles it helps them open up about there’s ! Not only that but I’m also touching bases on MS . Do you know how many people don’t know what multiples sclerosis is? I want to spread awareness because even though it’s not a common illness , there is no cause or no cure & I want to shed light on that. Lastly , I’m creating a product to take over the “overnight bag” world. I don’t want to get into to much detail but I can say it needs to be patented and that costs a lot !

  • Self Identified Competition

    Any popular Clothing Chain Shop kookie is more then just another online boutique! The name alone comes from me “Kookie” ! I started modeling 2012 and I always found that society expected me to look dressed up in heels, & make up 24/7. Well I got tired of that! Modeling is already a challenging job so why not be able to do it comfortably! My clothing gives you the option to always dress up or down but most importantly it’s comfortable and affordable. I also can not express how much donating to the MS foundation to help with further research means to me! My mom has has MS since I was 5 and it really limited a lot of mommy daughter experiences for us. Shop Kookie isn’t just another store ! It’s a body positive & helping hand store with a mission.

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