U S G r a n t s . c o m
February 7, 2025, 9:19 pm UTC

Big D 81-4341341 | Government Grant Application

Big D | Application Preview


Big D's government grant application outlines the business's challenges and future plans. The funding will help offset the burdens of a small business loan taken during the COVID pandemic, which was mistakenly perceived as a government-backed loan (PPP).

The business aims for stability to transition from using contracted labor to hiring full-time employees. This change will allow offering benefits and insurance, which is currently unfeasible due to the associated costs.

With over 40 years in the community and a steady flow of work, Big D emphasizes a unique approach to employee engagement, often hiring individuals from a homeless shelter. This not only aids in job completion but also fosters pride and a sense of belonging among workers. Big D supervises jobs personally, ensuring quality and efficiency while maintaining strong client relationships that often lead to repeat business.

In the competitive landscape dominated by established firms like Green Acre's, Yellow Stone, and The Greenery, Big D believes it can underbid and outperform through personalized service. Unlike larger companies that handle jobs passively, Big D emphasizes a hands-on approach and customer satisfaction, pledging never to charge for unsatisfactory work.

The business also benefits from a mix of commercial and residential clients, providing stability through seasonal work. As growth slows in the off-season, they pivot to tasks like trimming and site clean-up, keeping employees engaged and retaining customer trust. Overall, the application presents a case for funding as a means to expand operations and improve community employment.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 81-4341341

    Location: Summerville, SC, United States

    Length of Operation: 6

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    took out a small business loan to assist during covid to pay payroll. Due to phone calls that came in right after I applied-thought I was obtaining a government loan (PPP). Turned out to be a small business loan. Very misleading since I applied online.

  • Business Plan

    I plan to be more stable to hire employees not just contracted labor. I would like to offer them benefits and insurance. At the present time I can only afford contracted labor due to the expense of taxes and insurance if I obtain help as W4 employee. I have been established in my community for over 40 years. I do not advertise but have more work than I can handle. I hire help from the homeless shelter knowing they come with issues but it allows them to also have a since of pride and feel as a part of this community to get back on their feet. I have had a few that have worked with me for more than two years. I work each job side by side with them. Most companies drop the employees off and come back. I do not. Employees plus myself- makes the job get completed faster so same amount of jobs can be completed. Plus by working side by side, job is completed properly and everyone is satisfied.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Green Acre's-Yellow Stone-The Greenery These are all very established companies and do a relatively good job. They have many employees. They generally handle more commercial than residential. they drop them off on the jobs unattended. It is very easy to underbid these bigger companies and offer a much better service, when you treat each property as your own. The bigger companies have a tendency to get slack and take advantage of their customers. I will never bill a customer for something they are unsatisfied with It is very easy to underbid these bigger companies and offer a much better service, when you treat each property as your own. The bigger companies have a tendency to get slack and take advantage of their customers. I will never bill a customer until they are completely satisfied. I have never had a customer not pay me, on the contrary they call and come by to be sure I am paid. I have many commercial accounts. The commercial accounts carry me through the winter and rainy months. I handle residential as well. When the growth of the land slows down, we pick-up trimming bushes and cleaning surrounding areas that are not addressed during the summer months.

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