Mano Roofing and Restoration | Application Preview
Mano Roofing and Restoration is seeking government grants to enhance its operations by purchasing two trucks and leasing office space. The business plan includes hiring four additional sales representatives, aimed at maximizing profits from insurance claims and reaching an ambitious revenue target of approximately 10 million dollars.
The request for funding is bolstered by a strong track record of success in similar ventures in the past. In an industry that includes competitors like Gladiator Roofing and Restoration, Rees Restoration, and Indy Roof, Mano Roofing and Restoration distinguishes itself by focusing on social responsibility. The company is committed to providing opportunities for individuals facing challenges, such as those who have experienced prison time or drug addiction, empowering them to regain stability and support their families. This mission not only drives business success but also fosters a sense of community and purpose.
General Information
Business Registration Number: 872011489
Location: Indianapolis, IN, United States
Length of Operation: 0
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Buy two trucks and lease office space
Business Plan
I want to add an additional 4 sales reps to maximize profit to the insurance based claims and reach approximately 10,000,000.00 in revenue I have a proven record of doing this before at other companies
Self Identified Competition
Gladiator Roofing and Resoration Rees Resoration Indy Roof This is a group of people coming together for a bigger cause to help those that have had a bad deal either prison drug addiction extra and give them a second chance at things and to not just make it by but truly provide for their family
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