U S G r a n t s . c o m
February 9, 2025, 1:03 am UTC

Scotts Solutions 870877981 | Government Grant Application

Scotts Solutions | Application Preview


Scotts Solutions is applying for government grants to fund the development of a new business location. The requested funding will cover the down payment for the building, two months of rent and a security deposit, totaling $12,800, as well as electrical expenses. Additional funds will be allocated for materials and inventory needed for operations, including oil, filters, light bulbs, wiper blades, and vendor expenses. An estimated $5,000 will also be used for painting and changing the road sign.

The business aims to expand to multiple locations within the state, creating jobs and contributing to the local economy. The application emphasizes the company's commitment to excellence and highlights the opportunity for investors to be a part of a promising quick lube business.

In terms of competition, Scotts Solutions faces numerous shops and individuals in the industry, but they primarily view established corporations that received government support during the pandemic as their main competitors. The company believes its competitive edge lies in its strong customer focus and commitment to high service standards, which differentiates it from larger, less personalized competitors.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 870877981

    Location: Columbia, SC, United States

    Length of Operation: 2

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    The funding we’re seeking will be used in the development process for a new location to conduct business. We will use some of this grant for the down payment on the building. First Two Months of rent and security deposit will be payed totaling $12,800 USD. As well as the electrical. Other uses will go towards Material/Inventory For operation. Oil,Filters,LightBulbs,WiperBlades, and Vendor establishments. Alison $5000 in painting and Road Sign Change.

  • Business Plan

    This business plans on growing by expanding to multiple locations in the state. Generating revenue the will provide employment to other residents in the area while bringing capital to the economy of the state. We have a company that needs a chance we strive to remain the best at what we do and with the push we need we seek to do just that. This will be a great opportunity to be apart of a quick lube company with a bright future.

  • Self Identified Competition

    There are many shops and individuals who are doing this. Due to the changes and policies due to the pandemic we look at our only competitors as corporations who have survived this disaster. Due to the funding provided to them to stay afloat by our government. We are different because we show we are. We know we are we have a direct costumer focus and driven to perform at the highest levels to ensure our services meet the requirements of our costumer and the standards of our company.

  • Contact Applicant

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